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Old 04-17-2001, 02:25 AM   #61
Posts: n/a
Re: stuff

I still love to go on vacations with my family. For a while I wasn't very into them, because I got bored, but now I miss my family so much when I'm away that any time with them is wonderful. We do the funnest things, and never "typical" ones either. Last summer we spent a weekend at the beach building a huge drip-castle, and collected hollow dry kelp air-bladders for percussion istruments. Then we made up songs as we walked along.

I worked on my first tax forms on Saturday. I don't have to pay anything, so it doesn't matter that I'm a little late! Took a long time though.

Yesterday I was visiting a friend, and I fell down the stairs of her building on the way back! I'm very clumsy. Ouchy bruises and a slightly twisted ankle but nothing serious.

Wow, bunnies! Sounds fun. Keep them from having babies if you can!
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Old 04-17-2001, 03:30 AM   #62
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: stuff

Easier said than done. Life finds a way.

But we've got it pretty well under control, now. The grown up males are all fixed, and they cannot breed. Only the babies could be a problem, but we intend to send them to have gotten rid of them before they can begin to wreak havoc.
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Old 04-20-2001, 03:18 PM   #63
Tar Melian
Posts: n/a

Lief, the kids just named two of our bunnies, Chocolate and Pippin!!!! (Hairy feet, of course. The other one is Freckles) Sounds like you have your hands full with all those bunnies! Hopefully you can sell them at the pet shop-Easter time is a great time to do it.

I guess you have a pen outside to keep them in? Ours are in a cage inside right now, but, boy, do they make a mess!

Right now, Freckles is the one that is very brave, and is not scared of anything. If he doesn't want to be picked up, he bites! Pippin is the most tame, and likes to be petted. And poor Chocolate is the lop-eared bunny, and sort of stays to himself...VERY shy. But he's the cutest because he has the furriest feet and is the fattest!

Elanor, beach trips are out favorites! But, what are dry-kelp air bladders?! I guess I may not want to know! One of my favorite vacation memories is when we were driving through some of the redwood forests in California, and the kids were singing "O, ye'll take the high road, and I'll take the low road, and I'll be in Scotland befoooore ye!"

We got our taxes done, and actually get some money back! Of course, the state of Alabama is in the hole, and won't be paying for a while....bummer.

Got to go clean up bunny pills now, bye!

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Old 04-20-2001, 05:39 PM   #64
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a

We have two hutches, one of which is separated into two. The other is a very big hutch, giving room for the one we keep there to romp around a great deal. The others we all have kept in cages. As you can see, we were relatively well prepared for the crisis even before it happened.
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Old 04-30-2001, 05:12 PM   #65
Tar Melian
Posts: n/a
Been busy!

Sorry I haven't posted here in a while.....baseball season has started, and spring swim, and we had a "Survivor" birthday party this weekend at Monte Sano state park (where a skunk showed up to check things out! hehe), and I've been working to finish up our club's scapbook, some of my crew went camping last weekend, and my oldest just got back from a choir trip to NYC, plus I had to work at my club's plant sale last W/TH...I've just been able to catch my breath!

The bunnies are getting bigger, of course, and therefore, messier. An outdoor hutch is definately in the near future.

I'm thinking about going back to work part time...to get away from the work at home! It's been 5 years...I hope I can cope...(takes a deep breath and holds it)

I bet alot of you are finishing up school soon...we're out on May 25th. What are peoples summer plans?! My kids do swim team June thru July, and we are planning to go to Disney World at the end of July.

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Old 04-30-2001, 06:37 PM   #66
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: Been busy!

Well, here's some news. All of our rabbits have had babies. They mated like a couple days before they were fixed. Our bad luck. But they are very cute and we have four or five which are 100% white. It was awfully funny when I was holding one of them earlier this morning. They are so light weight that it felt as light as a feather. Then I picked up our guinea pig, Hero, in comparison. I never had realized how heavy she was until that moment. She must have weighed about 20 times as much as that little bunnie, she is so fat!
:lol: . But she's my favorite animal that we own.
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Old 05-02-2001, 04:26 PM   #67
Tar Melian
Posts: n/a
Oh my goodness!

How many bunnies IS that in all!!! I can't believe your vet couldn't tell they were pregnant! I'm calling my vet TODAY! LOL! (Baby bunnies ARE so cute...good luck selling them, or doing whatever you're going to do with them...hmmm, rabbit stew maybe....JUST KIDDING!)

We have a very fat cat...a grey tabby...she's gotten sooo lazy! But she's still my favorite. She's very curious about the bunnies, but when I'm around them, she pretends to ignore them...it's SO funny!

We also have a Jack Rat Terrier..part Jack Russell/part Rat Terrier...but she stays outside because she's so hyper. This sounds bad, but I really don't like her too much...and I usually like dogs better than cats.

And we have a water turtle named Verde, that eats and swims alot. Oh, and a Beta! We caught a garner (sp?) snake during our Easter egg hunt in the back yard, yuck...and it's in an aquarium, but I hope we can let it go somewhere...ELSE! And last of all, my daughter caught a skink (sp?-a lizard) at a campout, and brought it home, but it sort of "accidentily" got away the other day! That's ALL the critters!!!!
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Old 05-02-2001, 05:57 PM   #68
Posts: n/a
Re: Oh my goodness!

My goodness! That is a plethora of rabbits! I remember my family had that problem with parakeets. When I was about 12 I got two parakeets, male and female. Well as birds do they mated and we ended up with 6 birds. We sold one of them when they got old enough and transferred the little ones to another cage. Well this process repeated itself till we had 17 parakeets

Needless to say we were quite busy for a while finding them good homes. My sister was devastated. Now we just have two parakeets (a daddy and a baby boy one). However my sister now has two Quaker parrots. And I have a sulphur-crested cockatoo. Those birds are something else. They have learned every word in the book and can imitate almost anything. This includes the doorbell, the phone and our voices. My cockatoo, Maggie, enjoys teasing the dogs by calling their names pretending to be one of the humans.

We also have three dogs, two are standard poodles and my sister has a toy poodle. They all get along really well. They are the sweetest dogs and have wonderful temperments. Plus no shedding! I am definitely a dog person. I love dogs. All the dogs stay in the house, but we take them for walks in the park frequently. They also love the beach.

My youngest sister is a fan of all creatures great and small. She is always trying to bring home more animals. Luckily the fact that we have dogs prevents her from being allowed to keep them
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Old 05-02-2001, 06:58 PM   #69
Idril Celebrindal
Posts: n/a
Re: Oh my goodness!

I have many pets... almost all acquired through my parent's work (Vets). We have a little half bald west highland white terrier who was rescued by my mother because she was a 'wonderful example of atopy in dogs,' and she needed cases to put in for her Dermatology cert. Our other dog is a totally dopey golden retriever cross some greyhound type. She'll chase anything, especially if it's furry and rabbit-shaped, and has been known to attempt to bring down a muntjack by herself. Brainless is no understatement. She truly is. She was rescued, too, having had about 6 different homes.

We also have 3 cats, who do nothing but fight, and all 3 of them are rescued too... they have a nasty habbit of waking everyone up in the morning by jumping on you as hard as they can. Works every time.

The rest of our pets are:
5 stick insects (it was 5 last time I checked, anyway...)
2 rats
2 guinea pigs
1 hamster, named Grim Reaper, which says much about it.
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Old 05-03-2001, 01:55 PM   #70
Tar Melian
Posts: n/a

Seems there are alot of pets around!

Mir, that's SO funny about your talking birds...I used to have a parakeet that learned to say a few phases like: "Smile! You're on candid camera!" (I guess that's a good hint how long ago it was) or "I'm a pretty bird", or "I'm a dirty bird!". Then he would mix it all up and come out with; "I'm a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, dirty bird!" or "Smile! You're a dirty bird!" It was hilarious!

Idril, that's neat that your parents are Vets! When I was pretty young that is what I wanted to be, but having to doctor our tom cat's abcessed ear (from all the fights he got in) made me realize I don't have the stomach for it!

Hmmm....let's see...I had lots of pets as a kid, too. 2 or three parakeets, each named blueboy 1,2, & 3; 2 hampsters/Sleepy 1&2; 2 B&W Tom cats - u got it- Wally 1&2 (I guess we weren't very creative with names!) ; 2 siamese cats, Bonnie and Clyde; a wonderful sheppard/chow mutt named Bebe; a pic-a-poo named Pepper; a cocker spaniel named Tammy; a deaf white cat-don't remember the name; a pigeon named Gertrude that would actually come back home if you let her out-until Wally ate her one day;a chicken that I got from the hatchery; and a possum named Coco that I got when it could fit in my shirt pocket. Oh, and we had 2 bunnies that had babies, and a stray poodle mix dog that we kept for a short time. Of course, we didn't have these all at once!

For anyone out there, what are some of the pets you have had? Maybe we'll have a contest for the most unusual!
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Old 05-03-2001, 06:30 PM   #71
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: LOL!

Afraid ours aren't too unusual, and we don't have overly many of them. We have 13 rabbits, all except three of which we'll be getting rid of in two weeks, and we have two guinea pigs.

The guinea pigs are named Beatrice and Hero. Beatrice is a frail little thing, although she is getting a little stronger nowadays. Hero is in love with me. She's the fatest and she squeals the instant I touch her, although she doesn't squeak very much for anyone else. She especially loves to be turned upside down while she's being petted.
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Old 05-03-2001, 07:24 PM   #72
Tar Melian
Posts: n/a

Lief, have you ever considered that Hero squeals because she DOESN"T like you or being turned upside down?...*snicker...snicker*
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Old 05-05-2001, 06:56 AM   #73
Idril Celebrindal
Posts: n/a
Re: hehe...

today I was savaged by one of the guinea pigs (which is called Scabies, incidentally. The other is called Demadex. I had nothing to do with naming them, I swear...). It has taken a piece out of my thumb. suddenly the hamster seems almost nice.
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Old 05-05-2001, 05:51 PM   #74
X Rogue
Posts: n/a
Re: hehe...

I didn't know guinea pigs bit people. Is that habitual? I've never had a guinea pig, just gerbils and hamsters. Had a black gerbil bite a chunk out of my finger once, tho. Grouchy little guy.
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Old 05-06-2001, 07:09 AM   #75
Idril Celebrindal
Posts: n/a
Re: hehe...

guinea pigs almost never bite people. that was the first tiem it ever happened to me... I seriously distrust gerbils and hamsters, but guinea pigs and rats are usually pretty safe...
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Old 05-06-2001, 07:20 PM   #76
X Rogue
Posts: n/a
Re: hehe...

Ah, I thought guinea pigs might be more gentle. Guess I should have gotten one of those instead of the gerbil. Now I just have a collie/sheltie cross instead. Pretty nice dog, except he'd be making buddies with anyone who broke into the house. Anyone else currently have a dog breed they like?
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Old 05-07-2001, 12:28 PM   #77
Posts: n/a
I do, I do!!

Well I have a standard poodle. She's just the right size IMHO. Though I'll admit when she stands on her hind legs she's taller than I am!! Of course, I'm just barely over five feet tall

But my family has two standard poodles and we're very happy with them. They're big enough you can play rough with them and not worry about hurting but not so big that they are hard to handle. Plus, I have allergies so the fact that they don't shed helps a lot.

They're really nice dogs. I love all dogs of course, but if I were going to get another one it would also be a standard poodle. They have real nice temperments and they're not high strung like some of the toy poodles tend to be. They're real good family dogs.
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Old 05-07-2001, 06:30 PM   #78
Idril Celebrindal
Posts: n/a
Re: I do, I do!!

I love those Irish Wolfhounds... they're a little large, but still... also Flat Coated Retrievers.
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Old 05-08-2001, 05:03 PM   #79
X Rogue
Posts: n/a
Re: I do, I do!!

I like my collie. We've been talking about getting another one still in the puppy stage. I'd also like a Labrador Retriever, but hubby says we haven't enough room.
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Old 05-09-2001, 02:00 PM   #80
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: I do, I do!!

Believe me, it's Hero's happy squeak that she sends out.

And guinea pigs do indeed rarely bite people. The only times Hero or Beatrice have ever nibbled at me was when they thought I was a great big carrot. As soon as they found out their mistake, they started licking instead.
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