Blind Guardian: Blind Guardian is a speed-metal band from Germany that often performs Middle-earth related work.
Available Songs:
Lord of the Rings*
The Bard's Song - The Hobbit*
The Curse of Feanor*
BG Official Website
Deceuninck, Patrice: Patrice Deceuninck is a musician from Lille, France. He has composed a large assortment of LotR-related music and is constantly coming out with more. We have the complete set here.
Available Songs:
The Fellowship of the Ring:
A Long-Expected Party
Curious Gardener
Hobbit Heart
One Night in Bree
On Weathertop
Flight to the Ford
Gate of Moria
The Chamber of Mazarbul
Farewell to Lorien
The Breaking of the Fellowship
The Two Towers:
The Departure of Boromir
Into the Hands of Orcs
Lost in Fangorn
From Grey to White
Visit to Edoras
Helm's Deep
The Fall of Isengard
Reunion in Orthanc
The Taming of Smeagol
The Dead Marshes
The Return of the King:
Facing Mount Doom
Back to the Shire
Patrice's official website
de Meij, Johan: Johan de Meij composed a 5-part LotR symphony in 1989. The movements are: Gandalf, Lothlorien, Gollum/Smeagol, Journey in the Dark (Moria) and Hobbits. I had the privilege of playing the first movement with a regional honors band; it's a very challenging and exciting work.
Available Songs:
I. Gandalf
II. Lothlorien
III. Gollum
IV. Journey in the Dark
V. Hobbits
Hansson, Bo: Bo Hansson made a CD of LotR-related works in 1970. To me, they don't sound like Middle Earth at all; they're more derived from Oriental - Middle-Eastern styles. The pieces all sound very similar, but compared to other LotR music, this collection is unique.
Available Songs:
Leaving the Shire
Fog on the Barrow Downs
The Grey Havens
Klemm, LindsayAnne: LindsayAnne is a 20-year-old college student at Michigan State University. Her LotR Symphonic Suite is nice to listen to. The Moria piece is especially exciting.
Available Songs:
The Shire
Leaving the Shire
Tom Bombadil
Flight to the Ford
Mines of Moria
Great Tales Never End
McCarthy, Daniel: I discovered this composer while searching for marimba music. McCarthy wrote some Tolkien-related pieces with an emphasis on percussion. The only one I've been able to find is "The Call of Boromir," which is a duet between the marimba (my instrument) and the french horn. Christopher Norton is on marimba.
Available Songs:
The Call of Boromir
Nimoy, Leonard: As you probably know, Leonard Nimoy played Mr. Spock on Star Trek. In the '60s he recorded The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. It's so bad that it's good! This one will make you laugh.
Available Songs:
The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins*
Rosenman, Leonard: Leonard Rosenman wrote the score to the animated Lord of the Rings movie from the '70s. He's also written some Star Trek music. While the pieces are actually better than the movie itself, Howard Shore's score for the latest version is superior.
Available Songs:
History of the Ring
Company of the Ring
To hear more Leonard Rosenman, please buy the LotR movie soundtrack
The Tolkien Ensemble: The Tolkien Ensemble is a Danish-based singing group that transfer Tolkien's poetry into song. The pieces are beautifully sung, and are definitely the best interpretation of Tolkien's poetry. We have three songs here for you to sample - for more, check out their website for details on how to purchase the CDs.
Available Songs:
The Song of Beren and Luthien*
Galadriel's Song of Eldamar*
There is an Inn, a Merry Old Inn*