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Chad Standlea, California
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 Balin |
 Bilbo |
 Bombadil |
 Boromir |
 Denethor |
 Eomer |
 Faramir |
 Frodo |
 Galadriel |
 Gandalf |
 Gimli |
 Gloin |
 Khamul |
 Legolas |
 Merry |
 Pippin |
 Radagast |
 Sam |
 Saruman |
 Strider |
 Theoden |
Full name: Chad Joseph Standlea
Age 17
Greatest achievment: When smelling peaches realizing there were probably peaches near by
Favorite color: puke green
Favorite type of music: eleavator music
Nickname: you can call me………anytime
Play any instruments?: kazoo and jug
Special talent: Being able to listen to “99 bottles of beer on the wall” all the way through without punching anybody
Best trilogy of all time: Porkeys
Favorite pastime: Hanging upside down in on my couch in my underware to get head rushes then trying to flip over before I pass out.
Advice you would like to pass on to others: Just remember wherever you go there ya are.
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