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Juan Albuerne, Spain
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Click on a thumbnail for a larger version.
 Bilbo Baggins Sculpture |
 Treebeard Sculpture |
 Gandalf Sculpture |
Message from the artist:
Dear friends,
First of all, thank you very much for your compliments
about my work on "The Lord of The Rings" subject.
My work on modelling and painting from TLOTR characters started about 10
years ago, after I felt subdued and in love with the Tolkien
masterpiece. Since I was a painter and modellist, I found that I could
make some work from scratch or based in previous commercial lead
figurines in order to recreate the Tolkien world with my own style.
Since then, I have made many pieces based on his work: Characters as
"Treebeard", "Bilbo Baggins", "Gandalf", and some dioramas displaying
certain moments from the TLOTR book or his work, like "Galadriel Longs
For Valinor", displaying Galadriel; "The Disguise", displaying Éowyn at
Rohan; "The Wedding", displaying Aragorn and Arwen; "Bad News For
Denethor", displaying the inside of the White Tower on Minas Tirith, and
some more.
You will be able of find those modellistic works on my site, under:
If you need some further information, let me know.
Thank you very much.
Juan Albuerne, from Spain
Fan Art
Gandalf Gallery
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Grey Havens
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The One Ring Musical