The Tolkien Trail wouldn't exist if not for the support of the fans. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped out, and cite their specific contributions.
Ben Milder runs the site.
The volunteer staff of Entmoot are essential for keeping things running smoothly. Our active admins are Valandil and Eärniel and moderators are Tessar and Nurvingiel. We thank our "retired" administrators for their years of service: Darth Tater, Sister Golden Hair, anduin, Fat middle, IronParrot, HOBBIT, Khamûl, azalea, Nolendil, gdl96 and Comic Book Guy. And we appreciate the help of former moderators crickhollow, Mathron, The One Ring, Elanor, Elbreth of Carhouth, webwizard333, Ryan, easterlinge, hama and Bullroarer.
Most images on the site were created by Darth Tater. Exceptions include the "Prancing Pony" sign by The One Ring (Daniel Rodriguez), some images in the various games from Rolozo Tolkien, the pictures of the collectibles, Entmoot's post-icons created by noldo, and of course the fan art. To use our originals, you must e-mail us for permission.
The One Ring Musical is maintained by Brad Marston, the creator of the musical, and he is graciously allowing us to host the site.
Thanks go to Lauren for helping us to work out the bugs in the current design.
I'd like to thank the various Tolkien webmasters who have helped the site gain more exposure:
- Michael Martinez of for his longtime support of the board and the site, with reviews, news items, and emails.
- Ron Kittle of The Barrow-Downs for support and agreeing to the sidebar-button exchange.
- Ted Tschopp of Tolkien Online for support
- Strider of for posting a link to our early review of Fellowship of the Ring
- Matthew Bass of for support.
Many of the Java applets are courtesy Eric Harshbarger. Some of the Javascript was taken from the free JS depot and other sources.
Thanks to for free merchandise to give away during our Poetry Contest, Badali Jewelry for free merchandise to give away during our Parody Contest, and St. Martin's Press for free merchandise to give away during our Art Contest.
All content is copyright (c) 1997-2009, The Tolkien Trail. Lord of the Rings and all characters and places from Tolkien's works are the property of Tolkien Enterprises. We are in no way affiliated with Tolkien Enterprises, HarperCollins, New Line Cinema, or any other official organization. We're just lowly fans :P.
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