We've been given awards and recognition in various publications and other websites, and we are grateful for that.
- Profiled in February 2001 issue of Yahoo! Internet Life - Click here for a scan (from Leigh).
- Profiled again and mentioned as a great source for fan fiction in the December 2001 of Yahoo! Internet Life - Click here and here for scans.
- Co-webmaster Ben Milder interviewed and featured in NJ Star-Ledger article - here to read it at NJ.com
Awards and Recognition bestowed by other websites:
Reviewed July 2000 at Xenite.org
Mentioned July 2000 at Tolkien-Movies.com
Profiled in February 2001 issue of Yahoo! Internet Life
Site of the Day at iinet, internet provider in Australia, sometime during August 2001.
Site of the Day at Richmond Valley Online, New South Wales, Australia, sometime during August 2001
Featured Site at Luthien's Tolkien Page, August 2001.
Site of the Week at Tolkien's Haven, 8/19/01.
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