A young (you think) Ent detaches himself from the crowd and takes you aside. 'I am called Hastybough,' says the Ent. 'You will find I can speak more at your pace. Treebeard tells me you wish to join the Entmoot. Once you get to know the good Ents involved, I believe you will discover the Entmoot to be quite an exciting place. I will take this opportunity to introduce you to the Moot's more prominent members...'
Member Directory
(In alphabetical order by primary username)
User name: anduin
Real name: Elizabeth
location: Louisville, KY
Age: 32
Date joined entmoot: oct. 99 (i think)
How I found the board: Jedi Eowyn told me about it (i think)
Favorite Tolkien character: Strider
Experiences at Entmoot: while here I have met new friends, become more familar with the net and obtained an ICQ number.
Username: biriwilg
Real name: Amber I-Ain't-Tellin
Location: Same as my last name
Age: 12
Date joined Entmoot: Jan 1, 2001
How you found the board: Through my brother,
Favorite Tolkien Character: Galadriel, hands down!
Experiences at Entmoot: The people are really nice and responsive. I am glad that I found Entmoot.
Username: bmilder (Administrator)
Real name: Ben M.
Location: NJ
Age: 15
Date joined Entmoot: September 1999
How you found the board: I made it!
Favorite Tolkien character: Aragorn
Experiences at Entmoot: I have enjoyed meeting people from all over the world who share my interests. I'm also glad that our member base was so supportive of the Tolkien Trail.
Username: captain Tarpols, (BmilderRulz, HOBBIT, Frodo Tarpols, and many
Real name: Tristan
Location: NJ
Age: 13
Date joined Entmoot: November 1999
How you found the board: ben told me
Favorite Tolkien character: Bill the Pony :-D
Experiences at Entmoot: I have enjoyed annoying Ben.
Contact me: AIM: commouse1
Username: Darth Tater (Administrator)
Real name: Ha, wouldn't you like to know! (Ok, it's Josh Truitt)
Location: MA
Age: 16
Date joined Entmoot: September 1999, a day after it was started
How you found the board: I told Ben to make it!
Favorite Tolkien character: Gandalf
Experiences at Entmoot: Boy, there are so many. Some highlights were the days of the evil Tater's, my confrontations with Jae and Greg, and, hmm, I guess when everything was resolved was fun too. Also, meeting other Tolkien fans and finding new friends.
Contact me: ICQ:92655375; AIM: Darth Tater;
Username: Elbreth of Carhouth
Real name: Beth
Location: Canada
Age: 18
Date joined Entmoot: August 2000
How you found the board: Surfing for Tolkien info
Favorite Tolkien character: Aragorn/Eowyn
Experiences at Entmoot: It’s been neat meeting so many people who know so much Tolkien trivia, more than I would have thought possible!
Username: gdl96 (a.ka. fett96 a.k.a. dmaul966 a.k.a. thrawn96 a.k.a. adidas96 a.k.a. thehobbit96 a.k.a. jae the hutt and various others)
Real name: Greg L.
Member since: September 1999
Location: NJ
How you found the board: Some guy told me about it :P
Experiences at Entmoot: Been banned several times for flaming along with several other incidents. Started the Canada Wars, the Tater Wars, and the Entmoot Presidential election. Also, I hold the record for being the oldest member who isn't a moderator or administrator.
Standing at Entmoot: Vice President
Known for at Entmoot: for being a pain in the ass
Username: Gilthalion
Real name: Robert W. Gardner
Location: Mobile, Alabama; USA
Age: 37.8(and counting!)
Date joined Entmoot: July/August 2000 (I think)
How you found the board: From The Tolkien Trail via 25 Hobbits.
Favorite Tolkien character: Gandalf
Experiences at Entmoot: Encouragement to develop my Middle-earth readings, kindly mirrored here in the Rivendell section. Lively, earnest, international debate on some of the most serious matters that confront
contemporary civilization. Fun and relaxation with a fine assortment of Tolkien fans of all ages! Inspiration to try my hand at a fan fiction novel!
Username: GlaurungTheGold
Real name: Adam Newhouse
Location: Boston, MA
Age: 19
Date joined Entmoot: whenever you made the secret headquarters for Tater's empire at JC.N, i don't remember the month, if you remember you can put it in here, it might have been September 1999 when you created it...
How you found the board: originally came here for the headquarters of Darth Tater's empire on the jedicouncil.net forums
Favorite Tolkien character: Gandalf
Experiences at Entmoot: It's fun talking to people, and especially meeting others who like Tolkien and are excited by the movies coming out.
Username: IronParrot
Real name: W.K. Nicholas Tam, Esq.
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 16
Date joined: December 1999
How you found the board: Followed the yellow brick road
Favorite Tolkien character: Eowyn
Experiences at Entmoot: Defending my country, hosting a wedding party, and expanding my knowledge and understanding of LOTR in general through intelligent interpretive discussions.
User name: juntel
(Un)Real name: Jean Untel
Location: Montreal
Age: 36
Date joined Entmoot: Winter 1999??
How I found the board:
bmilder posted a problem at the ezboard help board; i saw it as i visited that board, then visited Entmoot, made a post; then someone said that I was another "Hernalt"; found out this was a compliment!. After that I visited
regularly (although posted irregularly).
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Science Fiction Story: torn between Dune and original Foundation trilogy...
Favorite Movie: torn between Citizen Kane and 2001: A Space Odyssey
Favorite Novel: Sophie's Choice
What do I do in real life: Math tutor to adults; sometimes english tutor to adults. Ongoing readings in
the epistemology of science (where it comes from, how it is made, how it is accepted, etc...)
Experiences at Entmoot: Participated in many of the usual controversial debates (abortion, evolution/creation,...). Also participated in many of the games... (except RPG).
Username: Mathron
Real name: Matt Koelbl
Location: MD
Age: 18
Date joined Entmoot: December 2000
How you found the board: I don't recall, but I think I was simply wandering EZBoard in a daze...
Favorite Tolkien character: Bilbo
Experiences at Entmoot: I have mostly stayed in the RPG Forum, where I have enjoyed myself immensely! I've been really glad to find a Tolkien following on the web (never really looked before I found Entmoot), and have visited
many other Tolkien forums and the like through Entmoot. I've gotten a lot of great info here, and many great people.
Username: Miralys
Real name: Jackie Moore
Location: Orlando FL
Age: 19
Occupation: College Student....jack of all trades,master of none!
Date joined Entmoot: August 2000
How you found the board: Search engine
Favorite Tolkien character: Gandalf
Hobbies: Marksmanship, fantasy/sci-fi, hockey, collecting quotes and about a zillion other things.
Experiences at Entmoot: I like the opportunity to interact with others who share my joy of reading and take it as seriously as I do.
Username: Niffiwan
Real name: (Enigmatic)
Other Internet name: Snortimer, mostly used on the Public CK Forum
Location: Ontario, The Great White North
Age: (Enigmatic)
Date of 1st message on Entmoot: March 24, 2000
How you found the board: From a "top tolkien sites" link at Xenite.org
Favorite Tolkien character: Ulmo
Favorite Tolkien tale (besides LotR): Narn i Hin Hurin
Favorite Colour(that's the Canadian way of spelling it): Blue
Experiences at Entmoot: I've never been at a board before with both such deep and such pointless discussions combined! (religious discussions vs. The Anything post)I had a lot of fun being the Diet Caffeine-Free Pepsi villain in the nameless thread. >:-j. Also, as some may note, I tried to hide my other identity at first by frequently using the letter "z" when I posted combined with
strange grammar. I stopped doing this after a while, and was inevitably discovered.
User name: noldo
Real name: Joonas Saari
Location: Naantali, Finland
Age: 15
Date joined Entmoot: June 17, 2000
How I found the board: Ben asked me to make the post icons after he saw me using one on a UBB board.
Favorite Tolkien Character: Saruman, everything about him just points to the fact how you can take something beautiful and turn it into something evil
and hidious. Besides, most of the good characters tend to get really
schmaltzy from time to time...
Favorite Science Fiction Story: Never read any! ;P I think I WOULD like
Brian Aldiss's novel Super-Toys Last All Summer Long, the movie was sooo
Favorite Movie: I have to admit, the Sixth Sense. I cried... a lot.
Favorite Novel: The Virgin Suicides
What do I do in real life: I'm a student.
Experiences at Entmoot: Mainly just being poignant and naïve, annoying other visitors to death all the time.
Username: Shanamir Duntak
Real name: Patrick Beaumont
Location: Quebec, Canada
Age: 21
Date joined Entmoot: Don't remember (summer 2000?)
How you found the board: A link from a unknown webpage while searching for Tolkien stuff
Favorite Tolkien character: FARAMIR!
Experiences at Entmoot: Do you REALLY want to know it =P... FOOD FIGHT!
Username: webwizard333
Real name: John
Location: MA
Age: 13
Date joined Entmoot: 5/9/01 7:48:46 pm
How you found the board: Through the Tolkien Trail
Favorite Tolkien character: Gandalf
Experiences at Entmoot: Meeting others who enjoy reading Tolkien and
becoming the Moderator at The Hobbit section of the forum.
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