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Old 10-26-2011, 09:31 AM   #1
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"Well, that's a start," Indigo said thoughtfully. It wasn't much to go on, but he could hardly expect people who came out of a virtual paradise to have marketable skills.

"Being a good and fast runner might mean you'd make a good scout or message courrier, Lur. Provided somebody has need of those services. Singing and dancing might be a tad more different," he said after another bite. "Many people love a good song or story, but I suspect people will expect to hear also songs and stories from Middle-earth, which you would have to learn first. But picking fruit is a good skill to have too, although it will only serve you for a season or two. And my father always said that there's always work for those who want it. So I'm sure you'd be able to earn some money if you put your mind to it. "
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Old 10-10-2011, 11:34 PM   #2
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She had been right, Barufiniel thought. The woman was still sorting this out - she hadn't meant to refuse to come last night. They should wait for her, then, and leave a little later in the day, perhaps.

"Be away for a bit? Yes, I would expect that," she said. "If we are trying to find out about this man who commands both Orcs and portals, there may be some time before we hear about him - and just the journey to Minas Tirith will take some time, too.

You said you need to get a letter written? I could help you with that, if you like. I'm going out into the village for a little while first, so if you are going to sell sheep meanwhile, we could meet at the inn again afterwards, and then I could write your letter for you.

Oh, by the way, I don't think anyone told me your name. My name is Barufiniel, daughter of Rameldir. What's yours?"

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
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Old 10-11-2011, 08:15 AM   #3
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"Oh you will!" Elspeth clapped her hands excited. "Thank you, thank you! My name is Elspeth miss! Oh i am very pleased you will help me!" Realising she was being a bit too excited she placed her hands at her sides. "I will let you get on with you business miss... oh i must get Anahera so we can sort her things out too!" Bobbing her kness a little at Barufiniel, she turned at ran into the village calling over her shoulder, "Thank you again miss!"
Elspeth headed straight to the markets, farmers and tradesman had already started to set up their stalls. She quickly found the man her family normally traded with, got a good price for her sheep and her others wares she was done with her business within the hour. Still too excited to slow down it was a very short of breath Elspeth that greated Anahera later that morning, "Money now?" She asked the panting Elspeth who nodded and at a slower pace walked with Anahera back into the village carrying Anahera suplus clothes. Anahera was sad to see her winter furs being traded, they were well made but needs must. Elspeth dealt with the trading, handing Anahera the shiny metal discs to Anahera, who eyed them oddly still not seeing the value of them. When all her clothes had been sold and Anahera had a good pocketful of money Elspeth turned and looked her over, "Well" She said after a little pause, "You still look too odd! A nice dress i think and a cloak too! Maybe new boots". The look on Anahera face told her to leave the boots alone. "Come on!" Elspeth grab Anaheras hand and dragged the baffled woman off!
can you imagine what it would be like if we have walked all the way?
ya, one of us could have died!
Cause its extremely far!
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Old 10-23-2011, 06:35 PM   #4
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It had taken Barufiniel more than an hour to give out her information around the village, and she was not surprised to get back to the inn to find that Rivailen hadn't returned yet. She sought out Ashkaio and told him that they would need some more time, and they decided that they might as well stay for lunch at the inn and set off for their journey in the afternoon.

He's eager to set off, Barufiniel thought, and no wonder if his city is at war. But a couple of hours more or less won't make all that much of a difference, when we've still got a couple of days' riding to do to reach Minas Tirith. I guess he'll need a horse, too ...

She decided to ask him at lunch. For now, she would just sit down and wait for Elspeth. It was almost embarrassing to see the young woman's attitude - Barufiniel didn't like to be treated as someone very special just because she was an Elf. But the age difference might have something to with it as well. And she hoped it might change as they got to know each other better during the journey.

She wondered what Aragorn and Arwen would make of the people from other worlds. She had told them about her own past in Narnia, and reluctantly they had accepted her story as truth, especially as Elrond had accepted it first - partly on Gandalf's word. She was glad that Ashkaio was another nobleman. A stray soldier from his army might not have the same means to appeal to the King of Gondor - Ashkaio was almost an accredited ambassador, and should have the ear of the King. And her own words on his behalf wouldn't be amiss, either.

After a while she thought that sitting in her own room wasn't the best thing to do - it would be easier for Elspeth to find her and to approach her if she went down to the common room of the inn. So she found a comfortable seat, and waited.

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
Avatar art - Footsteps of Spring (a young Luthien) - by Henning Janssen
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Old 10-24-2011, 06:15 AM   #5
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After a morning worth of shopping and a few misunderstanding with money (Anahera had tried to give the whole purse of coins for a single cloak) they shopping was complect. Elspeth had made sure she had collected enough supplies of food for the two of them, they both already had water skins. Although Elspeth was unsure what kind of animal had made Anahera skin. It was an unpleasent green hue to it. When ask what kinda of animal it was Anahera had thought a bit and then went SNAP SNAP! in Elspeths face. She desided not to press the issue at the moment.
In the early afternoon, hungry and decked out in new clothes, Elspeth and Anahera arrived at the door of the inn. They had a funny pair. Elspeth slight and tidy, Anahera of a stocker build that showed for was used to running and hunting and know her way round the knife at her side. She peered uneasierly around the crowded room, still uneasy with the noise and smells of the darkened room. Her winter clothes gone she now wore a plain green dress and brown cloak. However she insisted in wearing her trousers underneath the dress. "Windy" she had said, as she waved the skirt around a bit.
Now in the inn, Elspeth looked round the crowd for one of the new people she had meet, she was a little disappointed not to see Ashkaio there, she had wanted to tell him that she would be traveling with them too.
However she some spotted Barufiniel, and made her way quickly through the crown, while Anahera hovered a few steps behind, trying not to touch any of the beer smelling men around her. Elspeth stopped infront of Barufiniel and suddenly got a little embarrassed infront of the elf, "Hello" she said as she bobbed a bit. Anahera come up to Elspeths side and touched her forhead in her peoples way of greating. Anahera was still weary of the tall, beautiful woman, it was not natural to be that beautiful she decided she would try and ask Elspeth about the woman later. Anahera looked around her, as if challenging anyone to touch her and then sat down in the chair oppsite Barufiniel, Elspeth hasitated a bit and then sat down too.
can you imagine what it would be like if we have walked all the way?
ya, one of us could have died!
Cause its extremely far!
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Old 10-26-2011, 04:07 PM   #6
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Lantie clapped her hands in excitement when she heard this. "Lur has often taken a message for one of our brothers or sisters when they desired to speak but were detained with the joys of Maleldil. And I would love to learn some of the songs of your land! But where should we go to find this work?"

Without waiting for an answer, she turned to Lur. "Oh, brother... we will have so much to tell the King and Queen when we return home. Imagine how much older we will grow our family!"

Lur smiled and laughed softly at her enthusiasm. "It will take a long time for us to tell Father and Mother of these adventures and all that Maleldil has taught us. But you are right. Our brothers and sisters will grow much older at the things we shall bring home."
In God I trust, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 56:11

"Starbuck, what do you hear?"
"Nothin' but the rain, sir!"
"Then grab your gun and bring in the cat."

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Old 10-28-2011, 07:09 AM   #7
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The next course was brought in: roasted pigeons with crunchy baked potatoes. Indigo's mouth watered as he heaped some of the delicious meal on his plate. But the intoxicating proximity of tasty food did not cause him to lose track of the conversation and his sibling guests had just said something interesting.

Indigo sat up a little straighter. "You two are part of the royal household of your world?" He asked. "In what capacity? Why, Lur, Lantura, you might have told me a bit earlier! This could be important."

Indigo wasn't quite at home with royalty and what they usually did. Hobbits had no kings, the closest Indigo could think of was the old King of Norbury, and that was thousands of years ago so probably didn't count. But Indigo had met the Mayor of the Shire a few times, nice enough bloke, this Mr. Gamgee, very approachable too. He had even commissioned a state portrait from Indigo once, which Indigo still considered as one of his best work.

But as for actual kings and queens, .... Well, much was made of the renewed King of Arnor and Gondor, even back in the Shire these days. Especially the Thain and the Master of Buckland seemed quite taken with him. And an Elven Queen in mortal lands was said to be a totally unique thing. Pity Indigo hadn't had the chance to even catch a glimpse of her when he had been in Minas Tirith. One glimpse, it was said, and she'd single-handedly rewrite your definition of beauty. Indigo's artistic sensibilities were intrigued by that claim.

So royality, even from foreign courts, probably was important. And Indigo had an inkling this could change their plans quite a bit.
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Old 10-28-2011, 12:54 PM   #8
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Lur chuckled. "Everyone in our world is a part of the royal household. All our brothers and sisters are sons and daughters of the King and Queen. Is it not thus here?"
In God I trust, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 56:11

"Starbuck, what do you hear?"
"Nothin' but the rain, sir!"
"Then grab your gun and bring in the cat."

Make sure to check out the C.S. Lewis forum. Game threads, movie and book discussions and more!

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Old 10-29-2011, 08:41 AM   #9
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"Oh, no," Indigo said who found the notion strange. "Most definitely not. Here we start with people first, and only when we have enough of those do we add kings and queens. Us Hobbits, for example, never bothered with a king of our own. But I suppose we'll answer to the King of the restored throne of Arnor and Gondor since he's a decent chap and leaves us to our own devices which is what we like best."

Indigo chewed a bit longer on the excellently roast pigeon while he tried to figure out what to make of Lur's explanation. He reckoned the fact that Lur and Lantura were children of a king ought to have an influence on their plans, but he wasn't sure what sort of influence. Could the twins still even be considered royalty if there was no non-royalty at all on their world? And was he supposed to call them 'your highness' now? Lur and Lantura didn't seem to make much of their exalted status, and Indigo wondered whether he was being rude if he didn't either. He wasn't sure how it all worked.

One thing was sure, and that was that he couldn't exactly let a prince and a princess do menial labour to earn their money. Again, he wasn't sure why, but it somehow felt wrong. Just this once Indigo regretted that Hobbits had no king of their own, he probably would have known better what to do if they had. He sighed. Life sure was complicated outside the Shire!

"Frankly I'm a bit at all loss what to do now," Indigo said truthfully. "I've never met king-children before. And people, especially here in Gondor, generally seem to find kingship and all dreadfully important. So I think... yes, that might be for the best, I think we should go to Minas Tirith -that's a city not so far from here where the King of Gondor lives. I'm sure people there can tell us what royalty is supposed to do. Because I don't think sons and daughters of kings are allowed to run errands and sing songs to make money. None of the princes and princesses I have ever heard of seem to do so at least."
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Old 10-30-2011, 07:54 PM   #10
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Lantie was disappointed to hear that children of the King and Queen did not sing. "I was so looking forward to learning your songs!"

Lur chuckled at his sister. "Well, Indigo, I guess we shall head to this city of your King's to learn what we best can do in your world!" And with that, he tucked in to his roast pigeon.
In God I trust, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 56:11

"Starbuck, what do you hear?"
"Nothin' but the rain, sir!"
"Then grab your gun and bring in the cat."

Make sure to check out the C.S. Lewis forum. Game threads, movie and book discussions and more!

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Old 10-31-2011, 03:41 PM   #11
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"Excellent!" Indigo said. "You'll quite like Minas Tirith, I suspect. it's quite a sight! Very few cities can compare to it in grandeur. And have no fear, Lantura, you will be quite able to learn any song you'll like. There are many singers and performers in the capital."

He put some more baked potatoes on his plate. "I'll talk to Mistress Rosian in the morning," he said. "Minas Tirith is not far, but we'll need supplies for on the road. Travelling is a demanding business after all."
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Old 11-03-2011, 11:36 AM   #12
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"Hello," Barufiniel answered, smiling at the two women who seemed to have been out shopping. "Have you had a nice morning? And now you need to get some letter-writing done, as you said - and when we've done with that, I expect it will be time for lunch."

She took out her packet of writing materials.

"So, where do we start?"

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
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Old 11-03-2011, 06:48 PM   #13
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"Oh yes we have had a good time shopping havent we Anahera!" Anahera did not look like she had enjoyed it quite so much as Elspeth.
"Well" Elspeth started, smiling back at the elf woman, "I guess i should tell my mam and dad that im ok, and that im meet Ashkaio. Oh! you dont think they will think ive ran off with him! Oh my! Maybe its best to tell them i meet Anahera and that im helping her to Minas Tirith with some other people. If you would tell them that i have sold my things and that i am being paid to help Ashkaio and Anahera get to Minas Tirith, that should make them happy. Tell them i shall be back of some as i can and they should not worry." Elspeth sat back and thought for a little worth then added, "Should i add anything else? i dont really know what goings into letters."

Anahera in the mean time was looking at the pen and paper trying to guess what their useage was. She understand little of what Elspeth said, she talked so fast! She picked up the edge of one of the thin sheets, feeling its edge between her fingers. She turned her attension to the sharp looking thin thing. The sharp end looked like the end of a spear, but it was to thin and small to create much damage.
can you imagine what it would be like if we have walked all the way?
ya, one of us could have died!
Cause its extremely far!
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Old 11-04-2011, 05:32 PM   #14
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"I'll make sure your parents don't misunderstand anything," Barufiniel promised. "I could mention the names of all the people you will travel with, and Ashkaio will only be one of them. Should we rather not mention about them being from different worlds? If you would rather explain that yourself when you go home? Those things can be difficult to accept at first ..."

She sighed. She had had some awkward moments in her time. But she had also met people who accepted her story relatively easily.

"As for what goes into letters - I think the contents of this letter will be fine. We can start it with some greetings, and finish it with wishing your parents well. Then you can sign your name yourself, if you like, and I should add my name as the clerk you hired to write it."

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
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Old 11-05-2011, 07:18 AM   #15
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"Oh yes yes, thats a good idea! My mam and dad will think im mad if i start talking about other worlds! I wouldnt believe it my self, at first i didnt with Ashkaio! Thank you very very much!" exclaimed Elspeth excitably!

Anahera in the mean time held the pen and paper before her eyes trying to figure out how they went together, after a little pause she started to shake the pen up and down, maybe it made noise, like the rain noise makers they had at home?
can you imagine what it would be like if we have walked all the way?
ya, one of us could have died!
Cause its extremely far!
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Old 12-28-2011, 07:27 PM   #16
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Perhaps they don't use pens for writing in Anahera's world, Barufiniel thought. Perhaps they're an oral culture, and don't use writing at all?

"May I have the pen, please," she said, holding out her hand towards the small object. Anahera hesitated, as if not sure what she meant, but chose to give her the pen, and Barufiniel thanked her for it.

"Now I'm going to write a letter," she announced, and opened her small silver inkwell.

She dipped her pen in the ink and began to write.

'Elspeth to her Mam and Dad, greetings.'

"These marks on the paper," she explained, "represent the words we want to say. Someone who knows the meanings of the marks, can then see what we wanted to say, and thus they can get the message even if we have to send it far away for it to reach them."

She carried on writing, making sure to include all the details that Elspeth wanted to share (and to omit the others), and ended with the well-wishes.

'I hope that you will both be safe and sound until I'm back,' she wrote.

'Your affectionate daughter, Elspeth.

Barufiniel, daughter of Rameldir, sometime scribe to Lord Elrond of Rivendell, wrote this letter.'

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
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Old 01-04-2012, 06:55 PM   #17
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Elspeth smiled at the new letter, a little in awe of the beautiful script, "Oh thank you!"

Anahera watched the curling marks appear on the paper. She would not say as if by magic, it was not magic for she could see the meaning by their appearence, but still it was interesting to watch. The marks gave her an idea.
"With long travel Nolow, we leave marks in ground, show way home with stone and tree, then if lost find home." She picked up the salt shaker and a knife, laying the knife length ways and the shaker above it. "Mean left"
can you imagine what it would be like if we have walked all the way?
ya, one of us could have died!
Cause its extremely far!
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Old 01-05-2012, 08:16 PM   #18
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Barufiniel nodded.

"It's something of the same idea," she said. "With stone and tree, you can only leave large marks, and there cannot be many details in them. With the pen, I'm able to write smaller marks with little details in the curls that distinguish the marks from each other."

She dug into her packet of writing materials again, and found a small scrap that she had used for taking rough notes. She wrote a word on it and showed to Anahera.

"This also means left."

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
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Old 01-06-2012, 06:05 AM   #19
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Anahera looked at the small curled word and her larger mark for left. She moved the shaker from the top to the bottom of the knife, "Right". She looked at the small word, it was so small! Anahera looked at Elspeth, "You understand?" She nodded towards Barufiniels writing. "Oh nooo!" Elspeth said. "I can tell you the right time of the year to plant certain things but that writing if too hard!"
can you imagine what it would be like if we have walked all the way?
ya, one of us could have died!
Cause its extremely far!
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Old 01-06-2012, 10:11 PM   #20
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"Reading is easier than writing, though," Barufiniel said. "When writing, you need to make the marks correct, even the smallest curls should go the correct way - it takes time to learn to control the pen. It's easier just to learn how to understand the marks that someone else has made."

She looked from one to the other.

"Now that we'll be travelling together for a while, I could try to teach you how to read," she suggested. "I could write down some small stories and explain the marks, and then you could begin to recognize them. If you like, that is. And both of you, if you like."

I would start with teaching them to recognize complete words, she thought to herself. Groups of letters as marks for whole words. I wouldn't point out the individual letters until later, perhaps not until they want to learn how to write after all. If they do. And if the journey lasts long enough.

Signature picture art - Bard the Bowman - by vigshane
Avatar art - Footsteps of Spring (a young Luthien) - by Henning Janssen

Last edited by Varnafindë : 01-06-2012 at 10:12 PM.
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