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Old 11-09-2002, 01:09 AM   #21
the Shrike
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Re: More about 'Mooters

What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?)

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?
Blonde hair, green eyes, 5'6".

What's your favorite color?

What was the WORST job you EVER had?
Working for Kentucky Fried Chicken. It was my first job, and I was naive. They said that they didn't pay people when they were training them, and I believed them. After 3 months of working without pay, I finally talked to my boyfriends mother - who was a union delegate - and she spearheaded a campaign to help me and my boyfriend (also working there) get paid. Suffice to say, after that, they didn't want to roster me anymore, and even tried to fire me. Again, I went to the union. And again, they got their hands slapped. After that though, they simply never rostered me again.

What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?
Frank Herbert of Dune fame.

What religion are you?

What are your pet peeves?
Too many to mention. I'm a highly irritable person.

Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?
This question is a big load of bollocks.

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?
A knife, a food and water source, and some good books.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?>
Home made pasta, smothered in my rich tomato sauce with garlic and basil. Lots of pepper. Simple food is the best.

What is your philosophy for life?
Live and let live.

And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?
I can't decide.
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords
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Old 11-09-2002, 01:19 AM   #22
Halfwitted Queen of Lothlorien
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Well he is the co-owner....

What is your favorite middle-earth location? Lothlorien, Rivendell, or The Shire
What color are your eyes and hair, and how tall are you? eyes - they change, but right now hazel, hair - v. light brown, height - 5'4 1/2"
What's your favorite color? blue, all shades
What was the WORST job you EVER had? Well I've never had a paid job, but other than that it was emptying the trash cans at school. It's a very long story that I won't go into detail about (pm me if you want the whole thing), but in short one can got knocked over and there were maggots in it. *shivers* Not a happy memory, lemme tell ya...
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'? Well right now either Joshua Harris or Nicholas Sparks
What religion are you? I am a christian and a member of the Lord's church, as described in the New Testament, and not a denomination. However I attend a church of Christ, which follows the biblical pattern set by the first century christians in the New Testament.
What are your pet peeves? When people are flat out rude, and when you don't let the air out of shampoo bottles before you close them and then they have those permanent dents in them! That really bugs me, sorry...
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full? Half full, unless I'm having a mood swing and get depressed.
What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island? A notebook with an everlasting paper supply and an attached pen with a neverending ink supply, a speedboat with an emergency blanket and pillow and a CD player with CD's/radio in it to get away, and an everlasting supply of food & water. (OK, so I kinda cheated...)
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Umm...green bean casserole w/ chicken in it! There, everything you need and it tastes good too...
What is your philosophy for life? Always do the very best you can - don't settle for less. I can never let myself put forth a halfhearted effort, I have to do everything all the way.
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be? Either cotton candy, pina colada, or chocolate.
The beuatiful mind/The beautiful heart/Doesn't deserve the pain/How can I stop the rain? -How Can I Stop the Rain? by Kessid, my new favorite band

+Every good thing that comes into my life is only a reflection of the greatest gift of all; the offering of yourself, dear Son of God+

Always remember, you're uniqe, just like everybody else!

"The one constant through all the years has been the Trombone. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. Its been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again, but the Trombone has marked the time. This field, this section, this band is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and could be again. Oh, people will come . . . people will most definitely come."

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Old 11-09-2002, 01:28 AM   #23
Starr Polish
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?)
I am in love with the Shire, absolutely.

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?
Brown, brown with golden highlights, 5 foot even

What's your favorite color?
Very hard indeed. It changes from time to time. Right now I'm obsessed with deep, dark green.

What was the WORST job you EVER had?
Well, I've only had one actual job, and it wasn't so bad (filing bills). I'd have to say babysitting four kids under five.

What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?
Diana Gabaldon, C.S. Lewis, Barbara Kingsolver

What religion are you?

What are your pet peeves?
Too many to list. People with no common sense, bigots, people kicking my chair, talking while you yawn, saying 'y'know' or 'like' all the tiem.

Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?
Depends on my perspective. If I see it from above, it appears completely full. If the cup is glass, and it's sitting on a table made of glass and I can see it from the bottom, it appears completely empty. Oh yes...

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?
A plane, a pilot, and a map.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
So hard...does Chinese count as one thing? Hmm..probably dirty rice. Yum.

What is your philosophy for life? Don't go against the grain just to be different, be yourself. Be sure to keep your eyes open, life is happening all the time.

And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be? Coconut!
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.”
–Bertrand Russell
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Old 11-09-2002, 01:55 AM   #24
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?) This is a really tough question because almost all of middle earth is really cool, but when it comes down to it i would say the shire

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?

What's your favorite color?
i have green eyes and sandy brown hair and im 5'6"
What was the WORST job you EVER had?
washing dishes
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'? J.K. Rowling

What religion are you?
i dont have one
What are your pet peeves?
i cannot stand really stupid people, i also cannot stand people who are not good listiners
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?
[B]half empty[B]
What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island? well lets say there is food and water on this island already i would need my boxed LOTR set a computer and a cell phone

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? pasta

What is your philosophy for life?
its not life if your not having fun
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?
blue rasberry
"Behold, I am not Gandalf the Grey, whom you betrayed. I am Gandalf the White, who has returned from death. You have no colour now, and I cast you from the order and from the Council."

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

"He who breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of wisdom."

"A thing is about to happen which has not happened since the Elder Days: the Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong."
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Old 11-09-2002, 02:46 AM   #25
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Favorite M E location : Beleriand

Eye/Hair colour & Height : bloodshot, black,and under-tall

fave colour : black, of course

worst job : graveyard shift putting floppy discs into sleeves

other authors : Lovecraft, Poe, Rowling, any Sherlock Holmes writer

religion : agnostic

pet peeves : know-it-alls, rude people, those who lack common sense

half empty or half full : definitely half full - of coffee!!

3 things on a desert isle : computer w/ internet, Tolkien books, acoustic guitar - one more thing---coffee!!

eat one kind of food : pad thai noodles!

philosophy on life : don't dream it - be it!

jellybean flavour : peanut butter
"But I will sit and hearken, and be glad that through you great beauty has been wakened into song."
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Old 11-09-2002, 02:56 AM   #26
the Shrike
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Yum! I love Pad Thai noodles!
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords
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Old 11-09-2002, 03:33 AM   #27
The Original Corruptor
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?) Lothlorien.
What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you? Grey-blue; brown; 5'11".
What's your favorite color? Silver.
What was the WORST job you EVER had? I used to work for a company that employed students in odd weekend jobs. The worst one was a weekend of handing out flyers at a busy intersection.
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'? At the moment, I think it has to be John P. Meier.
What religion are you? Umm.......
What are your pet peeves? I've suddenly gone blank -- but rest assured, they are legion.
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full? I have a glass, not a cup. Cups are for children.

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island? 1) A satellite PC system 2) GPS 3) A shovel (to dig for the treasure).
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Chicken chow-mein.
What is your philosophy for life? Don't have one.
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be? Prolly grape.
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Old 11-09-2002, 06:20 AM   #28
Radagast The Brown
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?) Rivendell
What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you? brown, brown, 5'
What's your favorite color? yellow
What was the WORST job you EVER had? I haven't worked yet.
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'? David Edings, now.
What religion are you? I'm secular jew.
What are your pet peeves? I don't know.
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?sometimes half full sometimes empty.
What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island? 1. a ship 2. lots of food 3. lots of water
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? potatoes.
What is your philosophy for life? Don't have one.
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be? I do n't know.
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Old 11-09-2002, 07:02 AM   #29
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location?
The Shire

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?
Green, brown, fairly tall

What's your favorite color?
Grass-green or a deep red

What was the WORST job you EVER had?
I've never had a job

What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?
Jane Austen, CS Lewis and Evelyn Waugh. And a not-so-close fourth, JK Rowling

What religion are you?

What are your pet peeves?
Computers that don't work and people who don't call me by my proper name without my permission

Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?
Books. Two books and a crate full of food.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
French bread

What is your philosophy for life?
"For what do we live but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?" Of course that's not it really, but I can't think of a more profound one.

And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?
shock confession... I don't like jellybeans
And all the time the waves, the waves, the waves
Chase, intersect and flatten on the sand
As they have done for centuries, as they will
For centuries to come, when not a soul
Is left to picnic on the blazing rocks,
When England is not England, when mankind
Has blown himself to pieces. Still the sea,
Consolingly disastrous, will return
While the strange starfish, hugely magnified,
Waits in the jewelled basin of a pool.
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Old 11-09-2002, 11:44 AM   #30
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Computers that don't work!! worse than a pet peeve!
French bread all the time! better bring a laxative too! (I know, I'm sick! )
Happy Atheist Go Democrats!
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Old 11-09-2002, 01:42 PM   #31
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Re: More about 'Mooters

What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?)

Hmm... well, lessee... I always did like horses, so Rohan. Or The Havens.

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?

Hard to tell with my eyes and hair. In a bright light, reddish brown. In ordinary light, both black. I'm 4'11 and 3/4 and PROUD!!

What's your favorite color?


What was the WORST job you EVER had?

Taking care of my younger cousins. Well actually, one cousin. The other one (younger, would you believe it) is a LOT more mature.

What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?

Ummm... bit hard. Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, Edith Pattou... erk... and... Samuel Clemens.

What religion are you?

A crazy Baptist!

What are your pet peeves?

Brats. People who take situations too far.

Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?

Fully empty if I'm thirsty

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?

Cruise ship, someone to drive it, and unlimited internet access.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?>

Pulgogi. Korean Barbecue. Yum.

What is your philosophy for life?

Just smile, nod, and pretend you know what they're talking about.

And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?

Very Biased Alternate Script (but it's funny!):Click here!

FREAK RAIN!!!!!!!! O.o

Queen of prolonged unexplained absences and long, loooong car rides.

Well, hullo everyone. As you can see, I don't hang out here muchly anymore. There's a good reason for this. Y'see, I've been hanging out at a different chatboard called Cardboardia. So far, I've been havin' a blast. Not that I don't love the TLA, but the magic of Entmoot is lost on me. So, as soon as TLA ends, so will my existance here, probably.

Who knows though? I might stay. Highly unlikely however. This is a good bye in advance, then. Unless you want to join me and my group of friends at Cardboardia.


Last edited by Claenoic : 11-09-2002 at 01:44 PM.
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Old 11-09-2002, 08:14 PM   #32
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Do you see your cup as half empty or half full? I have a glass, not a cup. Cups are for children.

Really now Anduril?

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? potatoes.
Potatoes? Why potatoes? Darth Tater won't like ethat comment....
my new account name feigndeath.

This one is deactivated, I think.
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Old 11-12-2002, 04:36 PM   #33
Radagast The Brown
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origianlly posted by Aeryn
Potatoes? Why potatoes?
Because I like potatoes. What's wrong with potatoes?
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Old 11-12-2002, 04:48 PM   #34
The Original Corruptor
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Really now Anduril?
Actually, I don't think I drink anything out of cups. I don't drink coffee or tea.
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Old 11-12-2002, 09:22 PM   #35
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?)
Favourite place to live? Rivendell...

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?
Dark brown eyes, black hair, a measly 5'7"

What's your favorite color?
Want the Pantone code for that?

What was the WORST job you EVER had?
Um, the only job I've ever had is website designer... and that wasn't too bad, because I ended up posting on Entmoot fifty times a day way back when, which is why I'm an admin here...

What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?
Douglas Adams, probably, but it's hard to say - I adore a lot of other authors who only produced a few works.

What religion are you?
I am very strictly non-religious.

What are your pet peeves?
When people stack dirty dishes. If they didn't do that, I'd only have to wash one side! Aargh! And when I get a seven-letter word in Scrabble and have no place to put it (this happens ALL the time).

Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?
My cup is usually entirely full or just plain empty...

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?
An endless supply of good food, a sleeping bag and a piano. (Are clothes a given?)

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Please don't torture me with questions like this. I was about to say steak (filet mignon, medium), but I can't live without potato chips... but I can't survive on chips either...

What is your philosophy for life?
To do things for which I will be remembered throughout history. Hopefully not in a too notorious sense.

And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?
I don't like jellybeans.
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Old 11-12-2002, 11:37 PM   #36
durin's bane
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Re: More about 'Mooters

Originally posted by Aeryn
What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?)
What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?
What's your favorite color?
What was the WORST job you EVER had?
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?
What religion are you?
What are your pet peeves?
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?>
What is your philosophy for life?
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?
Blue, blonde, I have no clue
Um...I don't know...since I've never had an actual occupation before
My other favourite author is J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter
I'm a proud Christian
Boasts, boring teachers, people who sleep 'til 11 at sleepovers (it's a bit rude, if you wake-up and then go back to sleep while your guests are awake)
Hmm...my Harry Potter blanket, a book, and a bag of Halloween candy
Live it to the fullest, except on Sunday
Yada, yada, yada
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Old 11-13-2002, 02:22 AM   #37
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Re: More about 'Mooters

What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? Gondolin, the hidden city
What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you? light brown hair, light brown/hazel eyes. I am 5'10".
What's your favorite color? [B]Greens, but not blue-greens.[B]
What was the WORST job you EVER had? Baby-sitting a certain 12-year-old brat. I like kids as a general rule, but this one was unbearable.
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'? Lewis, first and foremost. After that, Dickens holds a very dear place in my heart as well. What a window into Victorian society!
What religion are you? No religion, please. I follow Jesus.
What are your pet peeves?People who pop there knuckles
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full? Either, depending on whether I'm drinking out of it, or pouring liquid into
What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island? An instruction book on ship-building, a knife, rope.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Fresh Jonigold Apples
What is your philosophy for life? Take each day as it comes
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be? I took a quiz on this once, apparently I'm a tangerine Jelly Belly
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
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Old 11-13-2002, 02:26 AM   #38
the Shrike
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Originally posted by IronParrot
What's your favorite color?
Want the Pantone code for that?
Actually, yes. Would it be PMS 202c red by any chance?
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords

Last edited by BeardofPants : 11-13-2002 at 02:55 AM.
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Old 11-13-2002, 01:20 PM   #39
Ms. Undomial
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What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? Lothlorien
What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you? Brown Golden brown 5:4
What's your favorite color? purple
What was the WORST job you EVER had? none
What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'? um... the person who wrote the "Black Stallion" series
What religion are you? traditional Catholic
What are your pet peeves? none
Do you see your cup as half empty or half full? half full

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island? Black Horse, Paint-by-numbers, Food.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Borche and sour cream
What is your philosophy for life?
And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be? black licorish(sp)
I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. - Dune
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Old 11-13-2002, 02:12 PM   #40
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Re: Re: More about 'Mooters

What is YOUR favorite middle-earth location? (IE Bree, Hobbiton, The fire's of mordor?)

I'd have to say Rivendell.

What color are your eyes, and hair, AND how tall are you?

Sage, Chestnut Brown, 5'7.

What's your favorite color?

At the moment? Red.

What was the WORST job you EVER had?

Cleaning up after a sick German Shepherd cross puppy.

What other author (besides Tolkien) do you consider your 'favorite'?

This is hard! C.S. Lewis and Jules Verne.

What religion are you?


What are your pet peeves?

People who are absolutely intolerant of other's opinions.

Do you see your cup as half empty or half full?

Half full, 'cause the stuff that's still in the cup's what's important. I've always wondered where the other half went, though.

What three things would you need if stranded on a deserted island?

Friends, books (includes Bible), and writing materials (includes computer that never crashes)

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?>


What is your philosophy for life?

This is not Life. This is not even a dress rehearsal. These are just the auditions, and only one thing truly matters: Jesus.

And if you got a Jellybean flavor, what would it be?


Last edited by Silverstripe : 11-13-2002 at 03:32 PM.
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